Girl from Jersey

This blog is about our family and me."The Girl From Jersey".

My Photo
Location: Wasilla, Alaska, United States

I am a transplant from New Jersey and New York to Alaska. We have lived in Alaska since 1972. I am a Registered Nurse who wants to share her life's journey with others.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I am presently taking my fourth literature course. I am amazed at 65 years old I am working towards a MA in English. This class is Victorian Literature and the Body. Oh boy here comes the sex except the first thing that I here is they may have been repressed. I don't know looks like they had as many accidents as we do. Stay tuned for my next adventure or memory.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Anchorage Home Health Survey

One time ,I was surveying a home health agency in Anchorage, Alaska. I do not live in Anchorage. I live in Wasilla, Alaska which is about 50 miles away. Needless to say I often get lost in Anchorage. Back in 1998, I was assigned to observe a home health visit. I received directions from the nurse assigned to the case and felt surely I could find this house. However, I could not find the house and the home's driveway. I rode around for about 20 minutes and finally in frustration I reluctantly phoned the agency for directions. When I finally arrived, 30 minutes late, a young boy greeted me at the door. He flung his arms around me and said, "We are so glad that you could make it." That was the delight of my day, and it has been a cherished memory ever since.


Genealogy - Our History and the Teller History

I am really interested in history. As a result, I am interested in genealogy. One of my relatives was William Teller. I started a genealogy site which needs more work than it seems like I have time. However, I was able to put a lot of information about William Teller on there. People might find it interesting to know about the Dutch colonization of New York or New Netherlands as they called it. William Teller came to New York at the same time that Peter Stuyvesant was the governor. He worked for the Dutch West Indies Corporation who owned the colony.
