Girl from Jersey

This blog is about our family and me."The Girl From Jersey".

My Photo
Location: Wasilla, Alaska, United States

I am a transplant from New Jersey and New York to Alaska. We have lived in Alaska since 1972. I am a Registered Nurse who wants to share her life's journey with others.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Rag Doll Echo "kitty" and Molly the Keeshond

I just found my son's blog. It is lots better than mine. I just have to keep writing. At least he has comments. Mine may not be very interesting but it has gotten me thinking about stuff. I wonder what I will do when I grow up. I really do not ever want to grow up but I guess I can't be Wendy forever. I am going to deviate a little to tell people about Molly my Keeshond. She was the runt of the litter. She will be 4 in July. I think she saved my life. She is so loved and precious. Also she is independent and refuses to do anything unless she wants to. She likes to bark at the moose in the yard and then she runs to me to save her. I have posted a link so you can sort of see what she looks like. Keeshonden are Dutch dogs. They are an old breed and they used to ride the barges in Holland and catch the rodents. She is truly a beautiful creature and she gives me so much joy. We also have a cat Echo. She is what you call a Ragdoll kitty. She is also very beautiful and sweet with blue eyes.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The George Washington Bridge

Mom and I used to walk over the GW bridge and go to the movies in NY. She took me to see the Wizard of Oz and I got scared of the wizard and made her leave. She used to take me to all the Margaret O'Brien movies. I remember she was a beautiful ballerina. After we used to stand in front of the bakeries and she would buy me one of those egg white cookies (meringues) that were so good or we we would share a large 5 cent Hershey bar. As we walked the bridge I would look down and imagine that all the cars and people below were toys. It seemed like a long walk to a little girl at the time.

You can find more about Fort Lee and the bridge at the Maria Langer site.
